Nowadays, treatment for breast cancer depends on several factors. These include the location, the size, whether the cancer cells have certain proteins (receptors) and the general health. Surgery is often the first treatment for breast cancer. Other common treatments include radiotherapy, hormone therapy, chemotherapy and targeted drugs. Many patients think that it is necessary to remove the whole breast. However, there are several treatment options that may be offered to help cope with the patient’s feeling about the loss of a breast. These include breast conserving surgery or breast reconstruction for mastectomy (removing the whole breast).
Breast Cancer Surgery
The earlier the diagnosis, the better the prognosis. The best treatment options for each patient will be discussed, taking many factors into account. Before your breast surgery, you will have tests to check your fitness, including blood tests and ECG. Things that you can do to help you prepare for the operation includes stop smoking, maintain a healthy weight and keep physically active.
General anesthesia is the main technique for breast surgery. Therefore, it will be painless during the operation. The duration for breast conserving surgery (remove the area of cancer and surrounding border, leaving behind as much as normal breast tissue as possible) or mastectomy (removing the whole breast) is approximately 1-2 hours. However, mastectomy with breast reconstruction will take approximately 3-5 hours and will stay in hospital for around 2-4 days. The length of your stay depends on the type of operation you have and your recovery. After that, routine work can be resumed. However, some patients may have drainage tubes coming out near the wound to stop fluid and blood building up at the surgical site.
The medical staffs will give advice before discharge. Surgeons often use a waterproof dressing on the wound that stays in place until you go back to the hospital for your first outpatient appointment (approximately 1 week). After the wound drainage is removed, normal activities can be resume. However, exercise that could cause damage to chest muscle or arm should be avoided.
After Breast Cancer Surgery
After breast cancer surgery, you will have follow up appointments every 1-2 weeks to check whether the wound is healing well. The surgeon will explain the results of the surgery, including the result of the type of breast cancer. Further treatment plan will also be discussed depending on the stage of breast cancer and the type of breast cancer. After further treatment plan, follow up appointment interval will be approximately 3 months for the first 2 years and interval of 6 months for 3 years subsequently for physical health examination and to check for any recurrence. You will also have mammogram and breast ultrasound every year to check for recurrence and chest x-ray will also be done as part of routine health check-up.
ศัลยแพทย์ทั่วไปและแพทย์ผู้เชี่ยวชาญศัลยกรรมผ่าตัดผ่านกล้อง (GENERAL AND MINIMALLY INVASIVE / LAPAROSCOPIC SURGEON)
CT scan เป็นเทคโนโลยีที่ใช้ตรวจหาความผิดปกติ ประมวลผลสร้างภาพในระบบ 3 มิติ จะให้รายละเอียดของภาพมากกว่าการตรวจเอกซเรย์แบบธรรมดาทั่วไป
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